Saturday, December 17, 2011

Silver Lining

Meryl Waldo lends a hand!

Since students weren't available to come put the finishing touches on the final panel of the mural on Friday, my able student assistant, Meryl Waldo, came to the rescue. Meryl (a talented senior theater major getting her BFA in costume design) and I had a grand day together chatting, laughing, eating and finding more and more details that needed attention, until finally we threw down our brushes and declared the mural truly finished this time. This was the silver lining for having to create an emergency panel; getting to spend some quality time with Meryl, and sneaking a chance to put a little paint on the mural myself. 

My students will be examining this last panel closely, no doubt, to see how badly we messed it up--(well that's what happens when you don't show up:-) By Sunday, all 78+ feet of the mural will be rolled up for transporting over to Palmer Commons for the installation process starting Monday morning. And Meryl and I will start painting another 16 X 40 foot backdrop on Sunday for an upcoming production of "Once Upon a Mattress"...happily, the creative opportunities just keep coming!


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